What is GSTIN (Goods & Services Tax Identification Number)? How to identify it?

What is GSTIN (Goods & Services Tax Identification Number)? How to identify it?

What is GSTIN?

Prior, at whatever point you get a few administrations or products, at that point, the dealer used to give you the bill. In that charge, you, for the most part, discover the TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number). This was one of a kind 11 digit number designated to every business element which registers with the business impose division.

This TIN enrollment was required for all Manufacturer/Traders/Exporters/Dealer.

Presently, after the passage of GST administration, this TIN is currently supplanted with 15 digit GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number).

So this 15 digit GSTIN (Goods & Services Tax Identification Number) is only the substitution of TIN of VAT time.

How does GSTIN look like?


GSTIN number is a 15 digit code. The format of GSTIN (Goods & Services Tax Identification Number) is as below ;

  • The first two digits of GSTIN represent the state code.
  • The next ten digits represent PAN number of the business entity.
  • The thirteenth digit will be assigned based on the number of registrations done by the business entity within a state.
  • The fourteenth digit is Z by default, can be allocated in future, based on a number of registrations done by the entity.
  • The last digit is for check code.

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