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Taxpayers can use ITC to discharge GST dues for March

Taxpayers can use ITC to discharge GST dues for March

The Finance Ministry on Saturday said GST taxpayers can utilise the Input Tax Credit available in their credit ledger to discharge their GST dues for the month of March.

“Taxpayers are free to utilise the Input Tax Credit available in their credit ledger, as permissible in law, to discharge their GST dues for the month of March, 2021 – the last month of this financial year,” the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) said in a statement.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) collections crossed the Rs 1 lakh crore mark for the fifth month in a row in February. The mop up in February was Rs 1.13 lakh crore.

Source: Economic-Times

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GST: ITC to be availed based on details available in FORM GSTR-2B, clarifies CBIC

GST: ITC to be availed based on details available in FORM GSTR-2B, clarifies CBIC

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC), via its Twitter, handle clarified that Input Tax Credit ( ITC ) can be availed based on details available in FORM GSTR-2B.

The department was responding to an inquiry from one Mr. Rahul Modi, who asked whether the Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN), whether ITC needs to be claimed as per 2A or 2B.

“Many clients are filing their GSTR 1 after 12th of the months which gets reflected in 2A but not in 2B which shows difference in ITC with auto populated data,” he added.

The GSTN responded that it was a policy-related issue and has been forwarded to the Government.

“Input tax credit is required to be availed based on details available in FORM GSTR-2B, which is a static ITC statement generated for each month,” the Board tweeted.

Dear Taxpayer,

Input tax credit is required to be availed based on details available in FORM GSTR-2B, which is a static ITC statement generated for each month.
— CBIC (@cbic_india) March 15, 2021

Source: TaxScan.

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Government plans to include GST in UPI QR code

Government plans to include GST in UPI QR code

The government is looking at upgrading the QR code for UPI in such a way that it can incorporate the GST component and show the same separately. This will enable the government to come out with fiscal incentives for payments that are made digitally.

The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) is working on UPI to enable this feature, CEO Dilip Asbe revealed. According to Asbe, when both ends of the payment are driven by software with information going to a cloud, there is no limit to the innovation that can take place. Additionally, information provided to the merchant and customer can grow manifold.

He said that the NPCI was working with banks and payment companies to create the capacity to handle a billion UPI transactions daily. “UPI has grown 250% in nine months. It is a journey where everyone has to keep investing,” he said.

Asbe was speaking at an event organised by Paytm to launch an upgraded version of its soundbox, which provides payment confirmation through audio and a screen. The payment company also launched a software application developed jointly with Visa which enables any NFC-equipped smartphone to accept contactless card payments from all card networks.

Speaking at the launch, Paytm founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma said that the company has sold 9 lakh point-of-sale (PoS) devices in 18 months and was targeting to upgrade 50 lakh merchants to accepting contactless payment over smartphones and IoT (internet of things, or net-connected) devices.

Sharma said that Paytm was already working on developing the dynamic QR that could incorporate GST. Speaking at the same event, Visa’s India chief T R Ramachandran said that with 25 billion IoT devices in the world, the scope for contactless payments has increased. He said that over 50 countries have increased their limit for contactless payments and the RBI has also revised the limit after analysing years of fraud data.

On the proposed licences for the new umbrella entities proposed by the RBI, Ramachandran said that the heterogeneous nature of the Indian market meant that one size does not fit all. He pointed out that there were under-penetrated segments in digital payments, such as B2B transactions and cross-border remittances. “It requires a thousand flowers to bloom to satisfy the appetite of India,” he said.

Source: Times-Of-India. 

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Mandatory to mention 4/6-digit HSN/SAC Code w.e.f. April 1, 2021

Mandatory to mention 4/6-digit HSN/SAC Code w.e.f. April 1, 2021

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes (CBIC) issued Notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax dated June 28, 2017, to show specified digits of Harmonised System of Nomenclature (HSN)/ Service Accounting Code (SAC) Code on raising of tax invoices for supply of goods or services as under:

Subsequently, the above notification was amended vide Notification No. 78/2020 – Central Tax, dated October 15, 2020 to mandate 4/6- digit HSN/SAC Code on supply of goods or services on the tax invoices w.e.f. April 1, 2021:

Further, a proviso was inserted to provide that 4- digits of HSN Code is optional in respect of supplies made to unregistered persons i.e., B2C supplies for a registered person having aggregate turnover upto INR 5 crores in the previous financial year.

Thereafter, Notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax dated June 28, 2017 was again amended vide Notification No. 90/2020 – Central Tax, dated December 01, 2020 to provide for class of supply- ‘Chemicals’ whose HSN Code are required to be mentioned at 8-digit on the tax invoices.

Further, it is to be noted that the above changes of mentioning 4/6 Digit HSN/ SAC code, as applicable, are also required to be captured in Table 12 of Form GSTR-1 (i.e., details of outward supplies of goods or services) and therefore, corresponding changes are made in the same.

Furthermore, it is very important to mention the correct HSN/ SAC Code on the tax invoices and Form GSTR-1 as penalty of INR 50,000/- (INR 25,000/- each for CGST and SGST) can be levied for non-mentioning or mentioning wrong HSN/ SAC Code under Section 125 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (i.e., General penalty).

However, it is to be noted that there are many disputes w.r.t. classification of the various goods and services like sanitizers, railway parts, fryums etc. Further, the disputes are also going on as to whether classification as per Notification No. 1/2017- Central Tax (Rate) dated June 28, 2017 (“Goods Rate Notification”) should be in line with explanation (iii) and (iv) of said notification vide which it is provided that “Tariff item”, “sub-heading” “heading” and “Chapter” in the Goods Rate Notification shall mean tariff item, sub-heading, heading and chapter as specified in the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (“CTA”) and that rules for the interpretation of the First Schedule to the CTA including the Section and Chapter Notes and the General Explanatory Notes would be apply to the interpretation of the Goods Rate Notification which provides only 1,208 goods approx. as against more than 12,000 products under First Schedule of the CTA.

Source: Taxguru.

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Know 15 New Functionalities made available for Taxpayers on GST Portal from February 2021: GSTN

Know 15 New Functionalities made available for Taxpayers on GST Portal from February 2021: GSTN

The Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) has enabled the new functionality for Taxpayers on GST Portal from February 2021.

1. Post TRN Login, Tracking of Registration Application Status:
The Search ARN Functionality for Registration, post TRN Login (i.e. after TRN is generated by taxpayer/ applicant but has not completed the filing of registration application), has been enhanced for the taxpayers. They will now be displayed at various stages of Registration, with the current status of their application in green colour and remaining pending stages being greyed out.

2. Issuance of Form GSTR 3A, for Non Filing of GSTR-3B Returns to taxpayers, under QRMP scheme:
Functionality has been deployed on GST Portal for issuance of system generated notice in Form GSTR-3A, to the taxpayers who have opted for/ assigned to QRMP Scheme and fail to file their GSTR-3B return on quarterly frequency, by due date.

3. Discontinuation of filing of Form GSTR-9A, for FY 2019-20 & onwards:
The facility of filing Annual Returns in Form GSTR-9A by taxpayers in Composition Scheme, as per proviso to sub-section (1) Section 44 has been done away with on GST Portal, from FY 2019-20 & onwards. Thus, now taxpayers will not be able to view/save/file Form GSTR-9A for FY 2019-20 & onwards. Filing of the said return for the FY 2017-18 and 2018-19 is available (& is optional).

4. Facility to file NIL Form GST ITC-03 by the taxpayers opting in to Composition scheme:
Existing taxpayers while opting for composition scheme are required to file details of stock in Form GST ITC-03 and pay tax on the stock (on which ITC has been claimed by them). Now a facility has been provided on the GST Portal to such taxpayers to file NIL Form GST ITC-03.

5. Validation of date on entry of invoices of cancelled suppliers and date of registration, in Form GSTR-6 and showing of tax period and filing status in Excel download of Form GSTR 6A:
An ISD distributes the credit availed on inward supplies, received from the suppliers, to its units through monthly return, filed in Form GSTR-6. ISDs would now not be able to enter invoices/debit notes/credit notes of their suppliers having cancelled status in their Form GSTR 6, having date after their effective date of cancellation, or having date before the date of grant of registration to suppliers or that of ISD (itself).

6. Implementation of 35% Challan in QRMP Scheme in Form GST PMT-06 for making payment:
From 1st January, 2021, the two options namely Fixed Sum Method and Self-Assessment Method are made available to the Taxpayers, who are under Quarterly Returns and Monthly Payment of Tax (QRMP) Scheme, for tax payment for first 02 months of a quarter.
Fixed Sum Method: Portal can generate a pre-filled challan in Form GST PMT-06, based on past record.
Self-Assessment Method: The tax due is to be paid on actual supplies, after deducting the Input Tax Credit available.

7. Editing the Auto- population of some data in Form GSTR-3B:
Now, in case a taxpayer decreases the liability or increases the ITC availment by editing these values, beyond the designated threshold of 5%, the system will show a warning message to the taxpayer.
Similarly, if a taxpayer decreases the reverse charge liability in Table 3.1(d) and ITC reversal in Table 4B in Form GSTR-3B, auto-populated from system generated Form GSTR-2B, the system will show a warning message.

8. Pre login Tracking of Refund Application Status:
Now taxpayers can navigate to Services > Track Application Status > Select the Refund option > Enter ARN to track their refund application, without logging into the GST Portal. This will display various stages of Refund application filed by them, with the current status of their application in green colour and remaining pending stages being greyed out.

9.Withdrawal of Refund Application by Taxpayer, in Form GST RFD-01W:
Earlier the taxpayers had no option to withdraw their refund applications, if they have committed any mistakes, while filing the application. A functionality has now been implemented for the taxpayer, to withdraw an already filed refund application, by filing Form GST RFD-01W (until the Refund Processing Officer issues an acknowledgement in Form GST RFD-02 or a deficiency memo in Form GST RFD-03).

10. Enabling taxpayers/ applicants with (only) TRN, to manually enter bank account details in Refund Application in Form GST RFD-01:
So far the taxpayers/applicants having (only) TRN were unable to file an application for refund, as they were not allowed to enter or add bank account details in the Registration Module. To enable filing of Refund Application by such taxpayers/applicants, a facility has been made available to them for manual entry of bank account details in Form GST RFD-01, while filing an application for refund.

11. Selection of two more reasons for voluntary payment in Form GST DRC-03:
The two reasons have been included for selection in drop down list for Form GST DRC-03, for the taxpayers to make voluntary payment namely Liability Mismatch – GSTR-1 to GSTR-3B and ITC Mismatch – GSTR-2A/2B to GSTR-3B.

12. Auto-generation of Form GST DRC-01 and its availability to the taxpayer on the GST Portal:
As per Rule 142(1) of the CGST/SGST Rules, summary in Form GST DRC-01, is required to be served to the taxpayer along with the notice issued by the tax official under Section 73, 74, 129, 130 etc. The auto-generation of Form GST DRC-01 (upon issuance of SCN/MOV-07/MOV-10 in Enforcement Module) has been enabled on the GST Portal and the same is now made available to the taxpayer under Additional Notices & Orders sub menu

13. Saving Advance Ruling/Advance Ruling Appeal applications by applicants:
Applicants can now save Advance Ruling/Advance Ruling Appeal applications upto 15 days, before editing and filing it on GST Portal. These applications in the saved stage will be automatically purged after 15 days.

14. Additional information about taxpayers under Search Taxpayer functionality:
In the “Search Taxpayer” functionality (Search Taxpayer> Search by GSTIN/UIN) available on the GST Portal, Post Login, users can now view certain additional details like Aadhar Authentication, e-KYC Verification, Compliance Rating, GSTIN/UIN status update, Annual Aggregate Turnover, Gross Taxable Income etc of the taxpayer.

15. Furnishing of details in IFF and Payment of tax (Form GST PMT- 06) by taxpayers in QRMP scheme:
The Webinars has been conducted in various languages namely English, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu and Tamil.

Source: TaxScan. 

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Know the GSTR-1 Table-12 Upcoming changes on GST Portal: GSTN

Know the GSTR-1 Table-12 Upcoming changes on GST Portal: GSTN

The Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) has notified the Upcoming changes in GSTR-1 Table-12 on GST Portal.

The Upcoming changes in Table-12 format of GSTR-1 Return are changes in the format of GSTR-1 Return and changes in the number of digits of the HSN Code to be reported.

From 1st April 2021 onwards, it is mandatory to report a minimum 4 digit or 6 digits of HSN Code in Table-12 of GSTR-1 on the basis of Aggregate Turnover on PAN in the preceding Financial Year.

If the Aggregate Turnover is Upto Rs. 5 Crore then Minimum 4 digit reporting of HSN Code, Mandatory reporting of all B2B supplies & exports (includes supplies made to SEZ units & developers and Deemed Exports) and Optional reporting of HSN Code for all B2C supplies will be there.

If the Aggregate Turnover is more than Rs. 5 Crore the Minimum 6 digit reporting of HSN Code and mandatory reporting of all supplies, including exports (includes supplies made to SEZ units & developers and Deemed Exports).

Source: TaxScan 

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Govt extends due date for filing FY20 GST annual returns till March 31

Govt extends due date for filing FY20 GST annual returns till March 31

The government on Sunday extended the deadline for filing GST annual returns for 2019-20 fiscal by a month till March 31.

This is the second extension given by the government. The deadline was earlier extended from December 31, 2020, to February 28.

In view of the difficulties expressed by the taxpayers in meeting this time limit, Government has decided to further extend the due date for furnishing of GSTR-9 and GSTR-9C for the financial year 2019-20 to March 31, 2021 with the approval of Election Commission of India, the Finance Ministry said in a statement.

GSTR 9 is an annual return to be filed yearly by taxpayers registered under the Goods and Services Tax (GST). It consists of details regarding the outward and inward supplies made or received under different tax heads.

GSTR-9C is a statement of reconciliation between GSTR-9 and the audited annual financial statement.

On the extension, Associates Senior Partner Rajat Mohan said, Even though it is a relatively small extension of 31 days but is sufficient for the tax professionals to complete the requisite filings.

Tax Partner Abhishek Jain said most industry players were struggling to meet this statutory deadline and had represented to the government for an extension.

Furnishing of the annual return is mandatory only for taxpayers with aggregate annual turnover above Rs 2 crore while reconciliation statement is to be furnished only by the registered persons having aggregate turnover above Rs 5 crore.

Source: Business-Standard 

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February 2021 GST collection at Rs 1.13 lakh crore: Finance ministry

February 2021 GST collection at Rs 1.13 lakh crore: Finance ministry

The GST collection in February this year stood at Rs 1.13 lakh crore, according to the data released by finance ministry on Monday.

This is the fifth straight month of the GST collection exceeding the Rs 1 lakh crore-mark. The current mop-up is an increase of 7 per cent over the February collection last year.

This is a clear indication of the economic recovery and the impact of various measures taken by tax administration to improve compliance, the finance ministry

“In line with the trend of recovery in the GST revenues over past five months, the revenues for the month of February 2021 are 7 per cent higher than the GST revenues in the same month last year,” the ministry said in a statement.

“During the month, revenues from import of goods were 15 per cent higher and the revenues from the domestic transaction (including import of services) are 5 per cent higher than the revenues from these sources during the same month last year,” the statement added.

In January 2021, the GST collections had surged to all-time high of about Rs 1.20 lakh crore as economic activities picked up after the withdrawal of stringent lockdown restrictions.

Mop-up from the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which is levied when a consumable item is sold or a service such as travel booking rendered, in January was 8 per cent higher than such receipts in the same month of 2020.

In a statement, the finance ministry had said that the January 2021 collections were the highest ever since the implementation of the nationwide tax in July 2017.

The previous best was in December 2020 when Rs 1,15,174 crore was collected.

Source: Times-Of-India. 

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GSTN now enables the option to download GSTR-2B summary and 2B in detail

GSTN now enables the option to download GSTR-2B summary and 2B in detail

The Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) has enabled the option to download GSTR-2B summary and GSTR-2B in detail on the GST Portal.

The GSTR-2B is a new static month-wise auto-drafted statement for regular taxpayers introduced on the GST portal.

It provides eligible and ineligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) for each month, similar to GSTR-2A but remains constant for a period.

It is available to all the regular taxpayers. Every recipient can generate it on the basis of the GSTR-1, GSTR-5 and GSTR-6 furnished by their suppliers. The statement will clearly show document-wise details of ITC eligibility.

Source: TaxScan. 

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CBIC clarifies Applicability of Dynamic QR Code on B2C Invoices

CBIC clarifies Applicability of Dynamic QR Code on B2C Invoices

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) notified the clarification in respect of applicability of Dynamic Quick Response (QR) Code on B2C invoices and compliance of notification 14/2020- Central Tax dated 21st March 2020.

The Notification No. 14/2020-Central Tax, dated 21st March 2020 had been issued which requires Dynamic QR Code on B2C invoice issued by taxpayers having aggregate turnover more than 500 crore rupees, w.e.f. December 1, 2020.

Further, vide Notification No. 89/2020- Central Tax, dated 29th November 2020, penalty has been waived for non-compliance of the provisions of Notification No.14/2020 Central Tax for the period from 1st December, 2020 to 31st March, 2021, subject to the condition that the said person complies with the provisions of the said Notification from 01st April, 2021.

The Board has received various references from trade and industry seeking clarification on applicability of Dynamic QR Code on B2C (Registered person to Customer) invoices and compliance of Notification No. 14/2020-Central Tax, dated 21stMarch, 2020 as amended.

The issues have been examined and in order to ensure uniformity in the implementation of the provisions of the law across the field formations the Board, in the exercise of its powers conferred under section 168(1) of the CGST Act, 2017, clarified various issues.

Firstly, notification No 14/2020- Central Tax dated 21st March, 2020 is applicable to a tax invoice issued to an unregistered person by a registered person (B2C invoice) whose annual aggregate turnover exceeds Rs.500 Crores in any of the financial years from 2017-18 onwards.

However, the said notification is not applicable to an invoice issued in cases where the supplier of taxable service is an insurer or a banking company or a financial institution, including a non-banking financial company; a goods transport supplying services in relation to transportation of goods by road in a goods carriage; supplying passenger transportation service; agency supplying services by way of admission to exhibition of cinematography in films in multiplex screens and OIDAR supplies made by any registered person, who has obtained registration under section 14 of the IGST Act 2017, to an unregistered person.

As regards the supplies made for exports, though such supplies are made by a registered person to an unregistered person, however, as e-invoices are required to be issued in respect of supplies for exports, in terms of Notification no. 13/2020-Central Tax, dated 21st March 2020 treating them as Business to Business (B2B) supplies, Notification no. 14/2020- Central Tax, dated 21st March 2020 will not be applicable to them.

Secondly, CBIC clarified that Dynamic QR Code, in terms of Notification No. 14/2020-Central Tax, dated 21st March 2020 is required, inter-alia, to contain the information namely Supplier GSTIN number, Supplier UPI ID, Payee’s Bank A/C number, and IFSC, Invoice number & invoice date, Total Invoice Value and GST amount along with breakup i.e. CGST, SGST, IGST, CESS, etc. Further, a Dynamic QR Code should be such that it can be scanned to make a digital payment.

Thirdly, if the supplier has issued invoice having Dynamic QR Code for payment, the said invoice shall be deemed to have complied with Dynamic QR Code requirements.

In cases where the supplier, has digitally displayed the Dynamic QR Code and the customer pays for the invoice Using any mode like UPI, credit/ debit card or online banking or cash or combination of various modes of payment, with or without using Dynamic QR Code, and the supplier provides a cross reference of the payment (transaction id along with date, time and amount of payment, mode of payment like UPI, Credit card, Debit card, online banking etc.) on the invoice ; or in cash, without using Dynamic QR Code and the supplier provides a cross reference of the amount paid in cash , along with date of such payment on the invoice;

The said invoice shall be deemed to have complied with the requirement of having Dynamic QR Code.

Fourthly, if the cross reference of the payment made using such electronic modes of payment is made on the invoice, the invoice shall be deemed to comply with the requirement of Dynamic QR Code. However, if payment is made after generation / issuance of invoice, the supplier shall provide Dynamic QR Code on the invoice.

Fifthly, if cross reference of the payment received either through electronic mode or through cash or combination thereof is made on the invoice, then the invoice would be deemed to have complied with the requirement of Dynamic QR Code.

In cases other than pre-paid supply i.e. where payment is made after generation / issuance of invoice, the supplier shall provide Dynamic QR Code on the invoice.

Lastly, the provisions of the notification shall apply to each supplier/registered person separately, if such person is liable to issue invoices with Dynamic QR Code for B2C supplies as per the said notification.

In case, the supplier is making supply through the E-commerce portal or application, and the said supplier gives cross-references of the payment received in respect of the said supply on the invoice, then such invoices would be deemed to have complied with the requirements of the Dynamic QR Code. In cases other than pre-paid supply i.e. where payment is made after generation/issuance of the invoice, the supplier shall provide a Dynamic QR Code on the invoice.

Source: Taxscan.

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