GST Portal enables Offline Tool to prepare Form GSTR-4 Annual Return by Composition Taxpayers
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Portal has enabled the offline tool to prepare to form GSTR-4 Annual Return by Composition Taxpayers.
An EXCEL based offline tool has been provided on the GST portal for composition taxpayers to prepare their GSTR-4 Annual Return.
2.Details which can be entered in Offline Tool: Users can enter details in various Tables like Table 3 (a) (Aggregate turnover for previous FY), 4A (Inward supplies from registered suppliers), 4B & 4C (Inward supplies received from a registered/ unregistered supplier on RCM basis), 4D (Import of services) & 6 (only Row 12 to 16: Tax rate wise details of outward supplies during the year (net of advances, credit/debit notes/adjustments)).3. Details which are un-editable in Offline Tool: Details in Table 5 (Summary of self-assessed liability as per FORM GST CMP-08), 6 (Row 1 to 11: Tax liability on RCM basis auto-populated from Table 4B, 4C & 4D) & 7 (TDS/TCS Credit received) are non-editable.4. Some important points related to using offline tool are:
• Click on the `Validate` button, to validate data in each worksheet in the offline tool, after all, details have been filled in that sheet.
• In case of validation failure of details on uploading the JSON file, an error file will be generated with status as `Processed with Error`. This file can be downloaded, open offline too, corrected, and can be uploaded again by creating a JSON file again.
• Upon upload of this JSON file, these records will get incrementally added to the records uploaded earlier. If there are pre-existing records on the Portal, against the same PAN/GSTIN, those details will get replaced/updated.
• Payment of Taxes can be made only online after logging into the GST Portal.
Read more:https://tutorial.gst.gov.in/downloads/gstr4annualofflineutility.pdf
Source: TaxScan.
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