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Know 12 New Functionalities made available for Taxpayers on GST Portal

Know 12 New Functionalities made available for Taxpayers on GST Portal

The Goods and Service Tax Networks (GSTN) has made available new functionalities pertaining to registration, returns, audit, front office, and Webinars Conducted for Taxpayers on GST Portal.
1. Assignment of new applications of registration, in certain cases, with same PAN and in same State/ UT
New registration applications of the applicants, whose previous application for registration were either rejected by Tax Officer or whose GSTIN was cancelled (either suo-moto or if surrendered by the taxpayer), will now be assigned to the respective authority of the State or Centre (who have earlier rejected the same), whenever these applicants/ taxpayers apply for registration under the same PAN and within the same State/ UT.
• Aadhaar Authentication enabled for Persons/ applicants applying for GST registration through MCA portal in SPICe -AGILE Form
The persons/ applicants applying for new registration in GST, through MCA portal in SPICe -AGILE Form, can now opt for Aadhaar Authentication (while applying for registration).
• Disabling entering Aadhaar number by Taxpayers/Applicants in registration application
The field for entering Aadhaar number has been disabled for Taxpayers in two scenarios.
Firstly, while adding Authorised Signatory/Authorised Representative through Non-Core amendment of registration.
Secondly, while adding Promoter/ Partner through Core amendment of registration.
The Applicants/ taxpayers adding details of Authorised Representatives in the New Registration application.
• Selection of Core Business Activity by existing Taxpayers on the GST Portal
The existing taxpayers have been provided with a functionality on the GST portal to select their core business activity. They can select one of the categories as their core business activity, based on their turnover namely Manufacturer, Wholesaler/Distributors/ Retailers, and Service Providers and others
• Reset button enabled on GST Portal for Form GSTR1/ IFF
Normal taxpayers, irrespective of their filing profile (of quarterly or monthly), have now been provided with a RESET button on the GST Portal, in Form GSTR-1/IFF. This will enable them to delete the entire saved data, for the specific return period, but not yet submitted or filed their Form GSTR-1 or Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF).
• Reporting and paying interest & other amounts, in Form GSTR-5A by OIDAR registrants
A person registered as OIDAR can now declare interest and any other liabilities in Table 6 i.e. Interest or any other amount of their Form GSTR 5A and discharge it through Electronic Cash Ledger.
• Download of Table 5 data, after filing, enabled for Form GST ITC-04
The registered manufacturers who are required to file quarterly Form GST ITC-04 (to furnish details of inputs or capital goods, sent to a job worker without payment of tax), can now download the data of Table 5 of Form GST ITC-04 (on the GST Portal), after filing the Form, when there is change in the state code, due to merger or creation of a State/ UT. This is to download data, when there is change in State/ UT code, before the goods are received back.
• Filing of refund application in Form GST RFD-01, by exporter of services, in cases of Foreign exchange fluctuations
The system earlier validated the refund amount claimed by the exporter of services (with payment of tax), against the proceeds realised (against exports, as submitted by the claimant in form of FIRC). If the value realised mentioned in BRC/FIRC column, was less than the refund amount claimed, then such taxpayers were not allowed to file their refund application on GST Portal. This validation has now been removed and taxpayers will be able to file refund applications now in such cases (As the value realised in BRC/FIRC may fluctuate due to foreign exchange fluctuations and net realisation may be less than the refund amount).
• Audit related functionalities made available to taxpayers
All notices and reports issued by tax officials will be available to taxpayers under ‘Additional Notices and Orders’. Taxpayers can reply to the audit notices and can upload documents. Taxpayers can accept/reject/pay the liabilities, discrepancy-wise, as outlined in the Notice for Discrepancies or in Addl. Notice for Discrepancies (if any) or in Audit Report (Form GST ADT-02). Taxpayers can apply for Adjournment or for extension of the date of Audit to the tax officer.
1. Status of Aadhaar authentication or E- KYC verification of a GSTIN in search taxpayer functionality
In the Search Taxpayer functionality (both pre-login and post login), the user will now be shown status of Aadhaar authentication or E-KYC verification of the searched GSTIN.
1. Change in label and functionality of HSN / Service Classification Code Tax Rate search
The label for “Search HSN / Service Classification Code Tax Rate” has now been changed to “Search HSN Code”. The functionality also has been enhanced wherein if the user searches for an item or a HSN code, the output is displayed systematically under the associated Chapter head, the description of the keyed- in HSN code and also other associated HSN codes (all hyperlinked) along with it. (Services> User Services > Search HSN Code).
1. Webinar
The Webinar on e-Invoicing for Taxpayers especially for those who are going to start e-invoicing from March 1, 2021 onwards.

Source: TaxScan. 

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Know 15 New Functionalities made available for Taxpayers on GST Portal from February 2021: GSTN

Know 15 New Functionalities made available for Taxpayers on GST Portal from February 2021: GSTN

The Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) has enabled the new functionality for Taxpayers on GST Portal from February 2021.

1. Post TRN Login, Tracking of Registration Application Status:
The Search ARN Functionality for Registration, post TRN Login (i.e. after TRN is generated by taxpayer/ applicant but has not completed the filing of registration application), has been enhanced for the taxpayers. They will now be displayed at various stages of Registration, with the current status of their application in green colour and remaining pending stages being greyed out.

2. Issuance of Form GSTR 3A, for Non Filing of GSTR-3B Returns to taxpayers, under QRMP scheme:
Functionality has been deployed on GST Portal for issuance of system generated notice in Form GSTR-3A, to the taxpayers who have opted for/ assigned to QRMP Scheme and fail to file their GSTR-3B return on quarterly frequency, by due date.

3. Discontinuation of filing of Form GSTR-9A, for FY 2019-20 & onwards:
The facility of filing Annual Returns in Form GSTR-9A by taxpayers in Composition Scheme, as per proviso to sub-section (1) Section 44 has been done away with on GST Portal, from FY 2019-20 & onwards. Thus, now taxpayers will not be able to view/save/file Form GSTR-9A for FY 2019-20 & onwards. Filing of the said return for the FY 2017-18 and 2018-19 is available (& is optional).

4. Facility to file NIL Form GST ITC-03 by the taxpayers opting in to Composition scheme:
Existing taxpayers while opting for composition scheme are required to file details of stock in Form GST ITC-03 and pay tax on the stock (on which ITC has been claimed by them). Now a facility has been provided on the GST Portal to such taxpayers to file NIL Form GST ITC-03.

5. Validation of date on entry of invoices of cancelled suppliers and date of registration, in Form GSTR-6 and showing of tax period and filing status in Excel download of Form GSTR 6A:
An ISD distributes the credit availed on inward supplies, received from the suppliers, to its units through monthly return, filed in Form GSTR-6. ISDs would now not be able to enter invoices/debit notes/credit notes of their suppliers having cancelled status in their Form GSTR 6, having date after their effective date of cancellation, or having date before the date of grant of registration to suppliers or that of ISD (itself).

6. Implementation of 35% Challan in QRMP Scheme in Form GST PMT-06 for making payment:
From 1st January, 2021, the two options namely Fixed Sum Method and Self-Assessment Method are made available to the Taxpayers, who are under Quarterly Returns and Monthly Payment of Tax (QRMP) Scheme, for tax payment for first 02 months of a quarter.
Fixed Sum Method: Portal can generate a pre-filled challan in Form GST PMT-06, based on past record.
Self-Assessment Method: The tax due is to be paid on actual supplies, after deducting the Input Tax Credit available.

7. Editing the Auto- population of some data in Form GSTR-3B:
Now, in case a taxpayer decreases the liability or increases the ITC availment by editing these values, beyond the designated threshold of 5%, the system will show a warning message to the taxpayer.
Similarly, if a taxpayer decreases the reverse charge liability in Table 3.1(d) and ITC reversal in Table 4B in Form GSTR-3B, auto-populated from system generated Form GSTR-2B, the system will show a warning message.

8. Pre login Tracking of Refund Application Status:
Now taxpayers can navigate to Services > Track Application Status > Select the Refund option > Enter ARN to track their refund application, without logging into the GST Portal. This will display various stages of Refund application filed by them, with the current status of their application in green colour and remaining pending stages being greyed out.

9.Withdrawal of Refund Application by Taxpayer, in Form GST RFD-01W:
Earlier the taxpayers had no option to withdraw their refund applications, if they have committed any mistakes, while filing the application. A functionality has now been implemented for the taxpayer, to withdraw an already filed refund application, by filing Form GST RFD-01W (until the Refund Processing Officer issues an acknowledgement in Form GST RFD-02 or a deficiency memo in Form GST RFD-03).

10. Enabling taxpayers/ applicants with (only) TRN, to manually enter bank account details in Refund Application in Form GST RFD-01:
So far the taxpayers/applicants having (only) TRN were unable to file an application for refund, as they were not allowed to enter or add bank account details in the Registration Module. To enable filing of Refund Application by such taxpayers/applicants, a facility has been made available to them for manual entry of bank account details in Form GST RFD-01, while filing an application for refund.

11. Selection of two more reasons for voluntary payment in Form GST DRC-03:
The two reasons have been included for selection in drop down list for Form GST DRC-03, for the taxpayers to make voluntary payment namely Liability Mismatch – GSTR-1 to GSTR-3B and ITC Mismatch – GSTR-2A/2B to GSTR-3B.

12. Auto-generation of Form GST DRC-01 and its availability to the taxpayer on the GST Portal:
As per Rule 142(1) of the CGST/SGST Rules, summary in Form GST DRC-01, is required to be served to the taxpayer along with the notice issued by the tax official under Section 73, 74, 129, 130 etc. The auto-generation of Form GST DRC-01 (upon issuance of SCN/MOV-07/MOV-10 in Enforcement Module) has been enabled on the GST Portal and the same is now made available to the taxpayer under Additional Notices & Orders sub menu

13. Saving Advance Ruling/Advance Ruling Appeal applications by applicants:
Applicants can now save Advance Ruling/Advance Ruling Appeal applications upto 15 days, before editing and filing it on GST Portal. These applications in the saved stage will be automatically purged after 15 days.

14. Additional information about taxpayers under Search Taxpayer functionality:
In the “Search Taxpayer” functionality (Search Taxpayer> Search by GSTIN/UIN) available on the GST Portal, Post Login, users can now view certain additional details like Aadhar Authentication, e-KYC Verification, Compliance Rating, GSTIN/UIN status update, Annual Aggregate Turnover, Gross Taxable Income etc of the taxpayer.

15. Furnishing of details in IFF and Payment of tax (Form GST PMT- 06) by taxpayers in QRMP scheme:
The Webinars has been conducted in various languages namely English, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu and Tamil.

Source: TaxScan. 

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Know the GSTR-1 Table-12 Upcoming changes on GST Portal: GSTN

Know the GSTR-1 Table-12 Upcoming changes on GST Portal: GSTN

The Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) has notified the Upcoming changes in GSTR-1 Table-12 on GST Portal.

The Upcoming changes in Table-12 format of GSTR-1 Return are changes in the format of GSTR-1 Return and changes in the number of digits of the HSN Code to be reported.

From 1st April 2021 onwards, it is mandatory to report a minimum 4 digit or 6 digits of HSN Code in Table-12 of GSTR-1 on the basis of Aggregate Turnover on PAN in the preceding Financial Year.

If the Aggregate Turnover is Upto Rs. 5 Crore then Minimum 4 digit reporting of HSN Code, Mandatory reporting of all B2B supplies & exports (includes supplies made to SEZ units & developers and Deemed Exports) and Optional reporting of HSN Code for all B2C supplies will be there.

If the Aggregate Turnover is more than Rs. 5 Crore the Minimum 6 digit reporting of HSN Code and mandatory reporting of all supplies, including exports (includes supplies made to SEZ units & developers and Deemed Exports).

Source: TaxScan 

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GSTN now enables the option to download GSTR-2B summary and 2B in detail

GSTN now enables the option to download GSTR-2B summary and 2B in detail

The Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) has enabled the option to download GSTR-2B summary and GSTR-2B in detail on the GST Portal.

The GSTR-2B is a new static month-wise auto-drafted statement for regular taxpayers introduced on the GST portal.

It provides eligible and ineligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) for each month, similar to GSTR-2A but remains constant for a period.

It is available to all the regular taxpayers. Every recipient can generate it on the basis of the GSTR-1, GSTR-5 and GSTR-6 furnished by their suppliers. The statement will clearly show document-wise details of ITC eligibility.

Source: TaxScan. 

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GST portal experiences technical glitch raises worries of taxpayers

GST portal experiences technical glitch raises worries of taxpayers

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) portal experienced technical failure on Thursday, leaving taxpayers worried amid fast approaching due dates for return filing.

The technical failure of the portal, which is maintained by Infosys, caused #gstnfailed to trend on Twitter.

The official Twitter handle of the GST Network (GSTN) responded on the micro-blogging site saying: “Dear Taxpayers, we have received complaints regarding difficulty in accessing the portal. We are working to resolve the same and will keep you updated.”

Hours later, in another tweet, it said: “Dear Taxpayers, we have again received complaints of denial of access to the portal and are working to resolve it. Inconvenience caused is regretted. Team Infosys-GSTN.”

The Infosys-GSTN team has finally confirmed in a tweet that the problem faced by the users has been resolved.

“Dear taxpayers, we observed some activity in cyber space by unscrupulous elements because of which some taxpayers may have experienced difficulties/delays in accessing GST Portal which otherwise is working fine. We have resolved the problem and blocked these activities. Kindly retry to access the portal. Inconvenience caused is regretted. Infosys-GSTN team,” it wrote on Twitter.

The Centre has extended the due date for furnishing annual GST or goods and services tax returns for the financial year 2019-20 by two more months. The new deadline is 28 February, 2021, instead of 31 December, 2020.
GST is an indirect tax that replaced a welter of indirect taxes in India such as the excise duty, services tax, and VAT. The GST Act was approved in Parliament on 29 March, 2017, and became law on 1, 2017.

Form GSTR 9 is used by the registered taxpayers to file a GST return every year.

Source: Live-Mint

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Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF) functionality now available on GST Portal

Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF) functionality now available on GST Portal

The Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) has made available the new Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF) functionality on the Goods and Service Tax (GST) Portal.

The Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF) is a facility where quarterly GSTR-1 filers can choose to upload their invoices every month. A quarterly GSTR-1 filer is a small taxpayer with a turnover of up to Rs.1.5 crore.

The registered persons opting for the Scheme would be required to furnish the details of an outward supply in FORM GSTR-1 quarterly as per rule 59 of the CGST Rule. For each of the first and second months of a quarter, such a registered person will have the optional facility Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF) to furnish the details of such outward supplies to a registered person, as he may consider necessary, between the 1st day of the succeeding month till the 13th day of the succeeding month.

The said details of outward supplies shall, however, not exceed the value of Rs. 50 lakh each month. The facility of furnishing details of invoices in IFF has been provided so as to allow details of such supplies to be duly reflected in the FORM GSTR-2A and FORM GSTR-2B of the concerned recipient.

There are various advantages attached to IFF namely buyers of goods from small taxpayers can claim ITC every month; the facility allows the monthly reconciliation of data and makes return filing easier; small taxpayers can increase their business by providing faster ITC claims and eases the compliance burden by reducing the volume of invoices to be uploaded at the end of the quarter.

The IFF is a facility similar to Form GSTR-1, and it allows filing of details of B2B invoices in following tables only.

The option to upload details in IFF can be availed till 13th of the subsequent month. Any invoices remaining to be furnished, can be filed using the IFF in the subsequent month IFF or in the quarterly Form GSTR-1. For e.g. for Apr-June qtr., B2B invoices for the month of April (M1) can be filed in IFF by a taxpayer till 13th May. Any IFF which is not filed till the due date of 13th of the subsequent month will expire.

Overall, this is a good move to help both small taxpayers and buyers from small taxpayers. This facility will indirectly help small taxpayers to enhance their business by providing faster ITC claims to their buyers.

However, this will increase compliance costs for them. Hence, one has to make a comparison between the benefit of opting for IFF and the cost involved. It is good to opt-in for this facility if a small taxpayer raises large volumes of B2B invoices when compared to B2C invoices in a quarter.
The end date for furnishing details of supplies of Goods or Services is February 13, 2021.

Source: TaxScan.

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GSTN enables facility of Communication between supplier and recipient on GST portal

GSTN enables facility of Communication between supplier and recipient on GST portal

The Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) has enabled the new facility of “Communication between Taxpayers” on the GST portal

After the introduction of this facility the supplier and recipient can directly communicate with each other on GST Portal itself. They can also give a reply to communication received on the portal.

The GSTN has given this facility taking care of the requirement that the communication forms a significant part of GST as Input Tax Credit (ITC) in GST which is an important element is invoice based. In case there is some error in the invoice, that has to be immediately rectified so as to enable the buyer to take ITC.

The new facility will make communication easy; bring transparency in the system; help in the matching of invoices and avoid complications of Goods and Service Tax Framework.

This facility helps the taxpayer to raise questions related to Tax Invoices, Debit Note, Credit Note, Missing Document, Amendment of Filed Document, or any other issue. A taxpayer can raise questions both as a buyer or supplier of goods or services.

Source: TaxScan.

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GST: CBIC enables GSTR-9 of FY 2019-20 on GST Portal

GST: CBIC enables GSTR-9 of FY 2019-20 on GST Portal

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes ( CBIC ) has enabled the GST Annual Return ( GSTR-9 ) of Financial Year 2019-20 on the GST Portal.

A statement issued by CBIC said that, Facility to file an annual return in Form GSTR-9 for FY 2019-20 is now available. The Form is enabled for taxpayers whose table 8A computation has been completed. Computation of table 8A of the said return for auto-population from returns is in progress which is likely to be completed soon. Please ensure that all applicable returns of the said year have been filed before attempting to file the said return.

GSTR-9 is an annual return to be filed yearly by taxpayers registered under GST. It consists of details regarding the outward and inward supplies made/received during the relevant previous year under different tax heads i.e. CGST, SGST & IGST and HSN codes. Basically, it is a consolidation of all the monthly/quarterly returns (GSTR-1, GSTR-2A, GSTR-3B) filed in that year. Though complex, this return helps in extensive reconciliation of data for 100% transparent disclosures.

The late fees for not filing the GSTR 9 within the due date is Rs 100 per day, per act. That means late fees of Rs 100 under CGST & Rs 100 under SGST will be applicable in case of delay. Thus, the total liability is Rs 200 per day of default. This is subject to a maximum of 0.25% of the taxpayer’s turnover in the relevant state or union territory. However, there is no late fee on IGST yet.

It may be noted that filing of Annual Return (FORM GSTR-9/ GSTR-9A) for 2018-19 is optional for taxpayers who had aggregate turnover below Rs. 2 Crore. The filing of reconciliation Statement in FORM 9C for 2018-19 is also optional for the taxpayers having aggregate turnover upto Rs. 5 Crore.

Source: TaxScan. 

XaTTaX is Best GST Software, Simplify your Financial matters with GST eFiling Software for Return Filing & GST Billing Software in India.

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GST portal scaled up to handle 3L taxpayers concurrently

GST portal scaled up to handle 3L taxpayers concurrently

Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) portal now handles almost double the taxpayer traffic for return filing immediately after lockdown, an official statement said on Sunday.

“It has been made possible as the GST infra has been upgraded to handle up to 3 lakh concurrent logged-in users at a time,” it said.

GSTN augmented the capacity of the gateway from 1.5 lakh to 3 lakh concurrent logged in taxpayers in June 2020 as a proactive measure to handle the expected sharp surge in the indirect tax-related activities on the portal after easing of lockdown. Further, the upgrade has enabled GSTN to handle and scale up to 5 lakh concurrently logged-in taxpayers, if necessary.

With the upgrade, the GST ecosystem is future-ready to offer a seamless experience to the taxpayers with its augmented capacity even beyond the current load limits, as per the statement.


XaTTaX is Best GST Software, Simplify your Financial matters with GST eFiling Software for Return Filing & GST Billing Software in India.

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GST Council allows Quarterly filing of GSTR-3B for less than 5cr Turnover

GST Council allows Quarterly filing of GSTR-3B for less than 5cr Turnover

The 42nd GST Council Meeting held today has decided to allow the quarterly filing GSTR-3B returns having less than five crores turnover.

This facility will be available from January 1st, 2021. From Jan 2021, the number of returns for small taxpayers will be reduced from 24 to 8. However, since states require money every month, payments can be made through challan every month, even though returns can be filed every quarter.

GSTR-2B has been provided to help Taxpayers calculate input tax credit; it will give taxpayers a complete idea of the ITC they are entitled to, said Finance Secretary.

Filing GSTR-3B is mandatory even for Nil returns. GSTR-3B is a monthly return. All regular taxpayers need to file this return till June 2018. Taxpayers can file their return on GST Portal. Taxpayers have to file this return by 20th of the subsequent month.

As a further step towards reducing the compliance burden particularly on the small taxpayers having aggregate annual turnover < Rs. 5 cr., the Council’s earlier recommendation of allowing filing of returns on a quarterly basis with monthly payments by such taxpayers to be implemented w.e.f. 01.01.2021. Such quarterly taxpayers would, for the first two months of the quarter, have an option to pay 35% of the net cash tax liability of the last quarter using an auto generated challan.

Source: TaxScan.

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