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Taxpayers can use ITC to discharge GST dues for March

Taxpayers can use ITC to discharge GST dues for March

The Finance Ministry on Saturday said GST taxpayers can utilise the Input Tax Credit available in their credit ledger to discharge their GST dues for the month of March.

“Taxpayers are free to utilise the Input Tax Credit available in their credit ledger, as permissible in law, to discharge their GST dues for the month of March, 2021 – the last month of this financial year,” the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) said in a statement.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) collections crossed the Rs 1 lakh crore mark for the fifth month in a row in February. The mop up in February was Rs 1.13 lakh crore.

Source: Economic-Times

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Know 15 New Functionalities made available for Taxpayers on GST Portal from February 2021: GSTN

Know 15 New Functionalities made available for Taxpayers on GST Portal from February 2021: GSTN

The Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) has enabled the new functionality for Taxpayers on GST Portal from February 2021.

1. Post TRN Login, Tracking of Registration Application Status:
The Search ARN Functionality for Registration, post TRN Login (i.e. after TRN is generated by taxpayer/ applicant but has not completed the filing of registration application), has been enhanced for the taxpayers. They will now be displayed at various stages of Registration, with the current status of their application in green colour and remaining pending stages being greyed out.

2. Issuance of Form GSTR 3A, for Non Filing of GSTR-3B Returns to taxpayers, under QRMP scheme:
Functionality has been deployed on GST Portal for issuance of system generated notice in Form GSTR-3A, to the taxpayers who have opted for/ assigned to QRMP Scheme and fail to file their GSTR-3B return on quarterly frequency, by due date.

3. Discontinuation of filing of Form GSTR-9A, for FY 2019-20 & onwards:
The facility of filing Annual Returns in Form GSTR-9A by taxpayers in Composition Scheme, as per proviso to sub-section (1) Section 44 has been done away with on GST Portal, from FY 2019-20 & onwards. Thus, now taxpayers will not be able to view/save/file Form GSTR-9A for FY 2019-20 & onwards. Filing of the said return for the FY 2017-18 and 2018-19 is available (& is optional).

4. Facility to file NIL Form GST ITC-03 by the taxpayers opting in to Composition scheme:
Existing taxpayers while opting for composition scheme are required to file details of stock in Form GST ITC-03 and pay tax on the stock (on which ITC has been claimed by them). Now a facility has been provided on the GST Portal to such taxpayers to file NIL Form GST ITC-03.

5. Validation of date on entry of invoices of cancelled suppliers and date of registration, in Form GSTR-6 and showing of tax period and filing status in Excel download of Form GSTR 6A:
An ISD distributes the credit availed on inward supplies, received from the suppliers, to its units through monthly return, filed in Form GSTR-6. ISDs would now not be able to enter invoices/debit notes/credit notes of their suppliers having cancelled status in their Form GSTR 6, having date after their effective date of cancellation, or having date before the date of grant of registration to suppliers or that of ISD (itself).

6. Implementation of 35% Challan in QRMP Scheme in Form GST PMT-06 for making payment:
From 1st January, 2021, the two options namely Fixed Sum Method and Self-Assessment Method are made available to the Taxpayers, who are under Quarterly Returns and Monthly Payment of Tax (QRMP) Scheme, for tax payment for first 02 months of a quarter.
Fixed Sum Method: Portal can generate a pre-filled challan in Form GST PMT-06, based on past record.
Self-Assessment Method: The tax due is to be paid on actual supplies, after deducting the Input Tax Credit available.

7. Editing the Auto- population of some data in Form GSTR-3B:
Now, in case a taxpayer decreases the liability or increases the ITC availment by editing these values, beyond the designated threshold of 5%, the system will show a warning message to the taxpayer.
Similarly, if a taxpayer decreases the reverse charge liability in Table 3.1(d) and ITC reversal in Table 4B in Form GSTR-3B, auto-populated from system generated Form GSTR-2B, the system will show a warning message.

8. Pre login Tracking of Refund Application Status:
Now taxpayers can navigate to Services > Track Application Status > Select the Refund option > Enter ARN to track their refund application, without logging into the GST Portal. This will display various stages of Refund application filed by them, with the current status of their application in green colour and remaining pending stages being greyed out.

9.Withdrawal of Refund Application by Taxpayer, in Form GST RFD-01W:
Earlier the taxpayers had no option to withdraw their refund applications, if they have committed any mistakes, while filing the application. A functionality has now been implemented for the taxpayer, to withdraw an already filed refund application, by filing Form GST RFD-01W (until the Refund Processing Officer issues an acknowledgement in Form GST RFD-02 or a deficiency memo in Form GST RFD-03).

10. Enabling taxpayers/ applicants with (only) TRN, to manually enter bank account details in Refund Application in Form GST RFD-01:
So far the taxpayers/applicants having (only) TRN were unable to file an application for refund, as they were not allowed to enter or add bank account details in the Registration Module. To enable filing of Refund Application by such taxpayers/applicants, a facility has been made available to them for manual entry of bank account details in Form GST RFD-01, while filing an application for refund.

11. Selection of two more reasons for voluntary payment in Form GST DRC-03:
The two reasons have been included for selection in drop down list for Form GST DRC-03, for the taxpayers to make voluntary payment namely Liability Mismatch – GSTR-1 to GSTR-3B and ITC Mismatch – GSTR-2A/2B to GSTR-3B.

12. Auto-generation of Form GST DRC-01 and its availability to the taxpayer on the GST Portal:
As per Rule 142(1) of the CGST/SGST Rules, summary in Form GST DRC-01, is required to be served to the taxpayer along with the notice issued by the tax official under Section 73, 74, 129, 130 etc. The auto-generation of Form GST DRC-01 (upon issuance of SCN/MOV-07/MOV-10 in Enforcement Module) has been enabled on the GST Portal and the same is now made available to the taxpayer under Additional Notices & Orders sub menu

13. Saving Advance Ruling/Advance Ruling Appeal applications by applicants:
Applicants can now save Advance Ruling/Advance Ruling Appeal applications upto 15 days, before editing and filing it on GST Portal. These applications in the saved stage will be automatically purged after 15 days.

14. Additional information about taxpayers under Search Taxpayer functionality:
In the “Search Taxpayer” functionality (Search Taxpayer> Search by GSTIN/UIN) available on the GST Portal, Post Login, users can now view certain additional details like Aadhar Authentication, e-KYC Verification, Compliance Rating, GSTIN/UIN status update, Annual Aggregate Turnover, Gross Taxable Income etc of the taxpayer.

15. Furnishing of details in IFF and Payment of tax (Form GST PMT- 06) by taxpayers in QRMP scheme:
The Webinars has been conducted in various languages namely English, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu and Tamil.

Source: TaxScan. 

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GST portal scaled up to handle 3L taxpayers concurrently

GST portal scaled up to handle 3L taxpayers concurrently

Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) portal now handles almost double the taxpayer traffic for return filing immediately after lockdown, an official statement said on Sunday.

“It has been made possible as the GST infra has been upgraded to handle up to 3 lakh concurrent logged-in users at a time,” it said.

GSTN augmented the capacity of the gateway from 1.5 lakh to 3 lakh concurrent logged in taxpayers in June 2020 as a proactive measure to handle the expected sharp surge in the indirect tax-related activities on the portal after easing of lockdown. Further, the upgrade has enabled GSTN to handle and scale up to 5 lakh concurrently logged-in taxpayers, if necessary.

With the upgrade, the GST ecosystem is future-ready to offer a seamless experience to the taxpayers with its augmented capacity even beyond the current load limits, as per the statement.


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Public limited companies just 0.6% of GST taxpayer base but pay 35% of revenue

Public limited companies just 0.6% of GST taxpayer base but pay 35% of revenue

Public limited companies, which account for only 0.6% (72,151) of total GST-registered taxpayers, contribute about 35% to the GST revenue collection, data released by the GST Network showed. About 1.2 crore taxpayers are currently under the GST ambit.

Similarly, only 0.2% taxpayers are public sector undertakings but contribute above 9% of revenue under GST. Other top revenue contributors are firms constituted as private limited companies — about 6.75 lakh or 5.9% of total taxpayers have paid 27.5% of the revenue

The largest chunk of taxpayers — 80.2% — identify as proprietorship, and they pay about 13.4% of the total revenue collection. In terms of turnover, about 7% taxpayers fall under the Rs 5 crore and above category but pay nearly 81% of total taxes. (see chart)


Similarly, large taxpayers above the Rs 5-crore turnover threshold upload nearly 6,500 invoices per taxpayer per month compared with just 30 invoices if all taxpayers are taken into account. Invoices are required to be uploaded by GST assessees with the GSTR-1 Return which has details of outwards sales by the businesses.

Source: Financial-Express.

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GST collections down 70% in April

GST collections down 70% in April

Centre may have held over the monthly GST collection figures for April, but data released by the Comptroller General of Accounts (CGA) suggests that GST collections have seen a precipitous drop of up to 70 per cent in April.

Data released by the Comptroller General of Accounts (CGA) for April 2020 shows that the Centre’s share of GST collection during the month was a paltry Rs 16,707 crore compared to Rs Rs 55,329 crore in the previous year, a drop of 70 per cent. Usually, the GST numbers announced by the government comprise collection by both the Centre and states. However, CGA’s data only shows the Centre’s share of the GST collection.

In April 2019, total GST collection – state and Centre included – was Rs 113,865 crore. Extrapolating from the Centre’s GST numbers (Rs 16,707 crore) for April, 2020 the total GST collection – Centre and State – could be around Rs 34,300 crore.

The sharp drop in the GST collection in April 2020 could partly be because of lockdown due to coronavirus outbreak. However, it is to be noted that April GST collections are for March transactions, and the lockdown started only from 25 March.

Therefore, the poor collection in April could be mostly due to extension of return filing dates. On March 24, the government announced several measures to ease the compliance burden on taxpayers given the outbreak of Coronavirus.

As per the announcements, for registered GST taxpayers with aggregate annual turnover less than Rs 5 crore, the last date for filing GSTR-3B due in March, April and May 2020 by the last week of June 2020. For such taxpayers, no interest, late fee, and penalty were to be charged.

For those whose turnover is Rs 5 crore or more, could file returns due in March, April and May 2020 by last week of June 2020 but the same would attract reduced rate of interest at 9 per cent per annum from due date (current interest rate is 18 per cent per annum). No late fee and penalty to be charged, if complied before till June 30, 2020.

Source: Business-Today.

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CBIC processes 12923 GST Refund applications involving claims worth Rs 5575 Cr amid Lockdown

CBIC processes 12923 GST Refund applications involving claims worth Rs 5575 Cr amid Lockdown

CBIC said that it is fully committed to helping the GST taxpayers in the present COVID-19 situation. Since 30th March 2020, CBIC has processed 12923 refund applications involving claims worth Rs. 5575 Cr. While in the last week itself, CBIC has processed 7873 claims worth.. 3854 Cr. CBIC said that a trade and business-friendly measure taken by CBIC .de its Circular No. 133 da.d 31.03.2020. help GST returns filers to facilitate early ITC refunds and to ensure that the wrong ITC claims are not processed in the absence of relevant information, is misconstrued in certain sections of social media and other media as troubling the taxpayers in COVID -19 like situation.

CBIC said that this measure was taken into effect with GST Council’s approval in its 39th Meeting held on 14.03.2020. mitigate delays in I’M refunds faced by the taxpayers besides ensuring that wrong ITC claims are not processed. It had been brought to the notice of GSTC by various stakeholders including the taxpayers. It was noticed that lot of time is spent in the verification of whether the credit was availed on services and Capital Goods in certain categories for the refund claims.

CBIC said that in order. address the difficulty faced by trade in providing this data at the time of processing of claim leading to delays and an increase in compliance cost, it was decided in the GST Council. make declaration of classification codes a part of the application itself. The GST Council in the same meeting has also decided. allow bunching of periods across financial years. facilitate claim of refund by exporters. This would apply to applications filed after 31.03.2020. It may also be noted that the due date of all such applications which were due during 20th March 2020 and 29th June 2020 has been extended to 30.06.2020.

CBIC explained that the Circular No. 133 (da.d 31.03.2020) is with regard to the requirement to give HSN/SAC code along Rith the refund application. The GST Law doesn’t allow refund of credit availed on service,s and/or Capital Goods in certain categories. For example, Capital Goods ITC refund is not permissible for re.. of ITC on account of exports and other zero-rated supplies. Further, ITC availed on services and capital goods are not allowed to be refunded in the Inverted Structure Refimd category.

Source: Taxscan

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CBIC mandates Registered Taxpayers to quote GSTIN on EXIM Declarations

CBIC mandates Registered Taxpayers to quote GSTIN on EXIM Declarations

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) in a circular clarified that it is mandatory for registered taxpayers to declare GSTIN on EXIM declarations in a bid to strengthen all-round coverage of GST supplies.

Certain cases have been reported where the importer or exporter did not declare their GSTIN in the Bill of Entry /Shipping Bill despite being registered with GSTIN. With the effect from 15.02.2020, the declaration of GSTIN shall also be mandatory in Import/Export documents for the importers and exporters registered as GST taxpayers.

Data analytics by the revenue authorities have detected tax evasion through the black market and under-valuing of imports. It has come in to notice that although importers are paying Goods and Services Tax(GST), they are supplying the goods without a bill. They are typically paying integrated goods and services tax (IGST) on goods they bring into the country. This tax is supposed to be set-off against the actual Goods and Services Tax(GST) paid by the final consumer or claimed as a refund.

GSTIN is a 15-digit PAN-based unique identification number allotted to every registered person under Goods and Services Tax(GST). While importers have to fill the Bill of Entry with Customs department while importing goods, exporters have to file Shipping Bill.
The CBIC said certain cases have come to light where the importer or exporter has not declared their GSTIN in the Bill of Entry/Shipping Bill despite being registered with GSTN.

It was further noticed that the supply of imported goods to domestic channels is done without a bill. Importers typically pay integrated goods and services tax (IGST) on goods they bring into the country. The tax paid is to be set-off against the actual GST paid by the final consumer or claimed as a refund.

Importers are paying Integrated Goods and Services Tax(IGST) on imports but not claiming credit for the same which means the supply of imported goods to domestic channels is done without a bill.

Source: Tax-Scan

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GSTR-9, GSTR-9C gets simplified further, submission dates extended

GSTR-9, GSTR-9C gets simplified further, submission dates extended

The Government has to extend the due dates of filing of Form GSTR-9 (Annual Return) and Form GSTR-9C (Reconciliation Statement) for Financial Year 2017-18 to December 31, 2019 and for Financial Year 2018-19 to March 31, 2020.

It has also decided to simplify these forms by making various fields of these forms as optional.

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs (CBIC) on Thursday notified the amendments regarding the simplification of GSTR-9 (Annual Return) and GSTR-9C (Reconciliation Statement) which inter-alia allow the taxpayers to not to provide split of input tax credit availed on inputs, input services and capital goods and to not to provide HSN level information of outputs or inputs, etc. for the financial year 2017-18 and 2018-19.

CBIC expects that with these changes and the extension of deadlines, all the GST taxpayers would be able to file their Annual Returns along with Reconciliation Statement for the financial years 2017-18 and 2018-19 in time.

“Since the returns were not simplified, the extension is not a surprise. However, frequent extensions and delay in non-simplification has been a let down for businesses. Our sense is that businesses are ready to comply with GSTR-9 so they can move on and prepare for the new simplified return filing system,” said Archit Gupta .

Earlier the last date for filing of GSTR-9 and GSTR-9C for Financial Year 2017-18 was November 30, while that for Financial Year 2018-19 was December 31.

Source: Economic-Times

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No GST returns, no E-way bills! Centre to crack down on non-filers

No GST returns, no E-way bills! Centre to crack down on non-filers

Concerned with the dipping monthly collections of Goods and Services Tax (GST), the government and indirect tax department are now planning stricter measures against non-compliant taxpayers.

According to sources, the tax department is now planning to block the facility to generate e-way bill for taxpayers who do not file two consecutive GSTR-3B returns with effect from 17 November 2019. Once the taxpayer has filed one of the pending returns, the facility to generate e-way bill will be automatically restored.

GSTR-3B is monthly return that every registered GST payer has to file. It contains details of sales and purchases made by a business.

Sources told Business Today that the required connectivity between GST Network (GSTN) and the e-way bill system and development of an application to block and unblock facility has been developed and tested between two systems.

While a decision to this effect was taken by the GST Council in April, the reason for the ‘extreme’ step could be to check leakages of taxes. Non-filing of returns is still high and the tax department thinks this is a major cause for falling GST collections.

“With a continuous dip in revenue for the last few months, this is a step towards curtailment of tax leakage. Businesses need to ensure disciplined filing of GSTR-3B to avoid business disruption,” says Anita Rastogi, partner, indirect taxes, PwC.

According to the indirect tax department, as of 8 November 2019, 21.99 lakh taxpayers have been found to have not filed GSTR-3B returns of August and September 2019.

These defaulters now face possible blocking of the facility to generate e-way bill from 17 November. The department, however, is planning to send alert messages to such taxpayers if they come to e-way bill website, and ask them to file their returns by the 17 November.

The problem though is that integration testing of backend applications of few states with GST System is not yet completed. Unless the facility to unblock the e-way generation facility is developed, the department cannot go ahead with blocking the facility.

Rajat Mohan, a partner in chartered accountancy firm AMRG & Associates, said that deferment of implementation of tax provisions on the premise that technology is not ready indicates that the tax authorities are still not ready to identify and capture the culprits (evading tax) on a real-time basis.

In September 2019, the GST collection fell by 5.3% to Rs 95,450 crore as compared to a year-ago period. In August, the GST collections fell to Rs 92,000 crore, which was lower than the previous year collection by over 4%. With the average monthly collections so far this year at around Rs 98,000 crore, way below the required Rs 1.20 lakh crore, the government is looking at a large shortfall in GST collection.

With five more months to go in this financial year, the latest move is probably a last-ditch attempt by the government to revive GST collections.

Source: Business-Today.

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Latest GST circular puts an end to confusion over new input tax credit rules

Latest GST circular puts an end to confusion over new input tax credit rules

In a big relief for GST taxpayers, the Union government on Monday clarified the new rules related to availing input tax credit under the GST. It said that a certain category of Input Tax Credit claims such as ITC in respect of the IGST paid on imports and GST paid under the reverse charge mechanism have been kept out of the scope of the new rules introduced last month. The new rules implemented by the CBIC limited input tax credit claims to 20% of the eligible amount where invoice matching has been done. However, the notification issued by the CBIC on October 9 caused a lot of confusion over the method of calculating this 20% amount, the cut-off date and also whether it was to be calculated supplier-wise or on a consolidated basis. These concerns prompted the CBIC’s GST policy wing to issue a new circular today clarifying all these aspects.

“This circular clarifies a few points and will be of help to GST payers,” said Pritam Mahure, a Pune based chartered accountant.

The circular issued by the Central Board of Indirect Taxes (CBIC) also clarified that this 20% cap on the eligible Input Tax Credit will not be calculated supplier-wise and GST payers can avail the input tax credit on a consolidated basis.

The Modi government had received complaints that some businesses were availing input tax credit by using fake GST invoices. In order to check the problem of misuse of input tax credit system, the CBEC, the nodal body to implement indirect taxes in the country, had last month made it compulsory to match the invoices uploaded by the suppliers in their GSTR1 forms before buyers can avail Input Tax Credit in their GSTR-3 returns. However, it also allowed the buyers to claim 20% more input tax credit over and above the eligible amount where invoice matching was done but the lack of clarity over the method of calculation created confusion among GST payers.

The CBIC’s latest circular is intended at clarifying all these aspects. For example, if a buyer is entitled to avail input tax credit of Rs 10 lakh on inward supplies (purchases) in a month but if his suppliers have only uploaded the correct invoices in respect of supplies of Rs 6 lakh only in the GSTR1 forms uploaded by them, then the buyer can avail ITC of Rs 6 lakh plus 20% of the eligible amount that is Rs 1.2 lakh. Therefore the buyer could claim a total ITC of Rs 7.2 lakh in the month.

It also clarified that the total amount of ITC, even after the addition of 20% input tax credit over and above the eligible amount where invoice matching has been done, cannot exceed the total amount of input tax credit that can be claimed.

For example, if a buyer is entitled to ITC of Rs 10 lakh on inward supplies and invoice matching is done in case of Rs 9 lakh then as per the 20% cap rule, he is also entitled to avail 20% over and above the eligible amount of Rs 9 lakh, which is 1.8 lakh in this case. However, this can take the total amount of ITC to be availed by him in the month to Rs 10.8 lakh, Rs 80,000 more than the total ITC amount that can be claimed. The new circular has clarified that in any case ITC claims will be restricted to the total amount due.

For example, if a buyer is entitled to ITC of Rs 10 lakh on inward supplies and invoice matching is done in case of Rs 9 lakh then as per the 20% cap rule, he is also entitled to avail 20% over and above the eligible amount of Rs 9 lakh, which is 1.8 lakh in this case. However, this can take the total amount of ITC to be availed by him in the month to Rs 10.8 lakh, Rs 80,000 more than the total ITC amount that can be claimed. The new circular has clarified that in any case ITC claims will be restricted to the total amount due.

The latest GST circular also clarified three distinct cases where the newly introduced rule to cap ITC to 20% over and above the eligible amount will not be applicable.

Where new GST Input Tax Credit rule will not be applicable
The cap of 20% on availing input tax credit under the GST rule 36, sub-rule (4) introduced on October 9 will not be applicable on three cases:

1. ITC in respect of the IGST paid on imports and these importers can directly avail the input tax credit;

2. The cap of 20% will also not apply to those cases where GST has been paid under the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) and;

3. The ceiling of 20% on availing ITC will also not apply on Input Service Distributors (ISD), these are those businesses that receive invoices on behalf of the services used by their branches and subordinate offices.

Source: Financial-Express.

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