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Government allows further operational flexibility to GST filers

Government allows further operational flexibility to GST filers

The government has allowed further flexibility to tax filers operating under the Quarterly Return Filing and Monthly Payment of Taxes (QRMP) scheme of GST.

These tax filers will now be permitted to declare invoices pertaining to movement of goods and services in their quarterly return form GSTR 1 to be filed in the last month of each quarter.

As per an advisory issued by the Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN), the taxpayer must ensure that any saved but not Filed/Submitted IFF (Invoice Furnishing Facility) records for the first two months of the quarter i.e. month of Jan-2021 or Feb-2021 must be deleted using RESET button before filing GSTR-1 for Jan-Mar-2021 quarter.

The advisory added that the deleted records should be added in GSTR-1 for Jan-Mar-2021 quarter after deleting the saved records from IFF. In future this may not be required as invoices already saved in any of the months on the quarter may be either deleted/moved to quarterly GSTR-1 by a functionality to be introduced shortly.

The advisory also said that any submitted but not filed IFF for the month of Jan-2021 or Feb-2021 must be filed before filing GSTR-1 for Jan-Mar-2021 quarter.

The advisory has been issued for filing quarterly GSTR-1 for January – March 2021 under QRMP scheme.

The taxpayers under QRMP scheme have a facility to file Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF) in first two months of the quarter and file Form GSTR-1 in third month of the quarter. As IFF is an optional facility it cannot be filed after the end date (13th of the month succeeding the IFF period).

The document saved in IFF, where taxpayer has not filed by the end date, cannot be filed anymore. Hence taxpayers have a been asked to declare such document in the GSTR-1 for the quarter.

Source: Business-Standard.

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Mandatory to mention 4/6-digit HSN/SAC Code w.e.f. April 1, 2021

Mandatory to mention 4/6-digit HSN/SAC Code w.e.f. April 1, 2021

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes (CBIC) issued Notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax dated June 28, 2017, to show specified digits of Harmonised System of Nomenclature (HSN)/ Service Accounting Code (SAC) Code on raising of tax invoices for supply of goods or services as under:

Subsequently, the above notification was amended vide Notification No. 78/2020 – Central Tax, dated October 15, 2020 to mandate 4/6- digit HSN/SAC Code on supply of goods or services on the tax invoices w.e.f. April 1, 2021:

Further, a proviso was inserted to provide that 4- digits of HSN Code is optional in respect of supplies made to unregistered persons i.e., B2C supplies for a registered person having aggregate turnover upto INR 5 crores in the previous financial year.

Thereafter, Notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax dated June 28, 2017 was again amended vide Notification No. 90/2020 – Central Tax, dated December 01, 2020 to provide for class of supply- ‘Chemicals’ whose HSN Code are required to be mentioned at 8-digit on the tax invoices.

Further, it is to be noted that the above changes of mentioning 4/6 Digit HSN/ SAC code, as applicable, are also required to be captured in Table 12 of Form GSTR-1 (i.e., details of outward supplies of goods or services) and therefore, corresponding changes are made in the same.

Furthermore, it is very important to mention the correct HSN/ SAC Code on the tax invoices and Form GSTR-1 as penalty of INR 50,000/- (INR 25,000/- each for CGST and SGST) can be levied for non-mentioning or mentioning wrong HSN/ SAC Code under Section 125 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (i.e., General penalty).

However, it is to be noted that there are many disputes w.r.t. classification of the various goods and services like sanitizers, railway parts, fryums etc. Further, the disputes are also going on as to whether classification as per Notification No. 1/2017- Central Tax (Rate) dated June 28, 2017 (“Goods Rate Notification”) should be in line with explanation (iii) and (iv) of said notification vide which it is provided that “Tariff item”, “sub-heading” “heading” and “Chapter” in the Goods Rate Notification shall mean tariff item, sub-heading, heading and chapter as specified in the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (“CTA”) and that rules for the interpretation of the First Schedule to the CTA including the Section and Chapter Notes and the General Explanatory Notes would be apply to the interpretation of the Goods Rate Notification which provides only 1,208 goods approx. as against more than 12,000 products under First Schedule of the CTA.

Source: Taxguru.

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Know the GSTR-1 Table-12 Upcoming changes on GST Portal: GSTN

Know the GSTR-1 Table-12 Upcoming changes on GST Portal: GSTN

The Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) has notified the Upcoming changes in GSTR-1 Table-12 on GST Portal.

The Upcoming changes in Table-12 format of GSTR-1 Return are changes in the format of GSTR-1 Return and changes in the number of digits of the HSN Code to be reported.

From 1st April 2021 onwards, it is mandatory to report a minimum 4 digit or 6 digits of HSN Code in Table-12 of GSTR-1 on the basis of Aggregate Turnover on PAN in the preceding Financial Year.

If the Aggregate Turnover is Upto Rs. 5 Crore then Minimum 4 digit reporting of HSN Code, Mandatory reporting of all B2B supplies & exports (includes supplies made to SEZ units & developers and Deemed Exports) and Optional reporting of HSN Code for all B2C supplies will be there.

If the Aggregate Turnover is more than Rs. 5 Crore the Minimum 6 digit reporting of HSN Code and mandatory reporting of all supplies, including exports (includes supplies made to SEZ units & developers and Deemed Exports).

Source: TaxScan 

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GST officers to immediately suspend taxpayer’s registration for ‘significant anomalies’ in sales return

GST officers to immediately suspend taxpayer’s registration for ‘significant anomalies’ in sales return

GST officers will immediately suspend registration of taxpayers whose sales return or GSTR-1 forms show “significant differences or anomalies” from the return filed by their suppliers, a move aimed at curbing tax evasion and safeguarding revenues.

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has issued a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for suspension of registration of a person on observance of such discrepancies /anomalies which indicate violation of the GST Act.

As per the SOP, the registration of specified taxpayers shall be suspended and system generated intimation for suspension and notice for cancellation of registration in form GST REG-31, containing the reasons of suspension, shall be sent to such taxpayers on their registered e-mail address.

The registration would be suspended in cases where a comparison of the returns furnished by a registered person with the details of outward supplies furnished in form GSTR-1, or the details of inward supplies derived based on the details of outward supplies furnished by his suppliers in their GSTR-1, show ‘significant differences or anomalies’, indicating contravention of the provisions of the GST Act.

“Till the time functionality for FORM REG-31 is made available on portal, such notice/intimation shall be made available to the taxpayer on their dashboard on the common portal in Form GST REG-17.

“The taxpayers will be able to view the notice in the ‘View/Notice and Order’ tab post login,” the SOP said.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) officers have already intensified their drive against fake invoicing and this has also contributed to increase in tax collections in the past couple of months.

GST collections have crossed the ₹1 lakh crore mark for four consecutive months and surged to an all-time high of about ₹1.20 lakh crore in January.

The SOP further said the taxpayers whose registrations are suspended would be required to furnish reply to the jurisdictional tax officer within 30 days from the receipt of such notice / intimation, explaining the discrepancies / anomalies and the reasons as to why their registration should not be cancelled.

Reply has to be sent to the jurisdictional officer through the common portal within 30 days from the receipt of notice / intimation.

In case the intimation for suspension and notice for cancellation of registration is issued on ground of non-filing of returns, the said person may file all the due returns and submit the response, the SOP added.

Source: Economic-Times.

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GST: CBIC extends Sanction for pending IGST Refund Claims on GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B mismatch error

GST: CBIC extends Sanction for pending IGST Refund Claims on GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B mismatch error

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) notified the extension of Sanction for pending IGST refund claims where the records have not been transmitted to ICEGATE due to GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B mismatch error.

The Board has received several representations in respect of IGST refunds which are pending due to mis-match of data between GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B.
The resolution to the problem was provided by the Board, as an interim measure, vide Circular No. 12/2018-Cus dated May 29, 2018 read with Circular No. 25/2019-Cus dated August 27, 2019 in respect of Shipping Bills filed upto March 31, 2019.

The CBIC said that the IGST refunds relatable to the Shipping Bills filed after 31.03.2019 having mismatch error between GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B could not be processed.

It was noted that a substantial number of IGST refunds are stuck due to above error as functionality to amend GSTR-3B return is not available so far, there is a need to extend the facility as provided vide above Circular No. 12/2018-Cus dated May 29, 2018 and 25/20199-Cus dated August 27, 2019 in respect of the Shipping Bills filed after March 31, 2019 as well.

The CBIC has decided that the solution provided in the Circular 12/2018-Customs read with Circular No. 25/2019-Customs would be applicable mutatis mutandis for the Shipping Bills filed during the financial year 2019-20 and 2020-21 i.e. in respect of all Shipping Bills filed/ to be filed upto March 31, 2021.

The CBIC stated that the corresponding CA certificate evidencing that there is no discrepancy between the IGST amount refunded on exports in terms of this Circular and the actual IGST amount paid on exports of goods for the period April 2019 to March 2020 and April 2020 to March 2021 shall be furnished by 31st March, 2021 and 30th October 2021, respectively.

“The concerned Customs Zones shall provide the list of GSTINs, who have availed benefit under Para 3A & 3B of said circular and yet have not submitted the CA certificate to the Board by the 15th April 2021 for the IGST refunds relatable to financial year 2019-20 and by 15th November, 2021 for financial year 2020-21,” the CBIC said.

Source: Taxscan.

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GSTN issues Advisory on Auto-population of E-Invoice details into GSTR-1

GSTN issues Advisory on Auto-population of E-Invoice details into GSTR-1

The Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) has issued an advisory on Auto-population of E-Invoice details into GSTR-1.

From 1-10-2020, certain notified taxpayers have been issuing invoices after obtaining Invoice Reference Number (IRN) from Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) (commonly referred as ‘e-invoices’).

From 1-1-2021, the taxpayers with aggregate turnover above Rs. 100 Cr. had also started reporting invoices to IRP.

Details from the reported e-invoices are being auto-populated in respective tables of GSTR-1. Update on the same was last published on 30/12/2020.

A detailed advisory regarding methodology of auto-population of e-invoice details into GSTR-1 is already published on GSTR-1 dashboard.

It is observed that, while pulling the e-invoice data for the month of December, 2020 into GSTR-1, details of some invoices were not populated into GSTR-1. This inadvertent gap is being rectified on priority and details of those invoices will be pushed to GSTR-1 shortly.

However, taxpayers should not wait for the same and advised to proceed with preparation and filing of GSTR-1 for the month of December, 2020 (before the due date), based on actual data as per their records.

As already noted in the afore-mentioned advisory, the taxpayers may modify/delete only those documents where the details auto-populated from e-invoices are not as per the actual documents issued.

Otherwise, the details of e-invoices auto-populated in GSTR-1 can be edited/deleted by the taxpayer. However, in such cases, the ‘Source’, ‘IRN’ and ‘IRN date’ fields will be reset to blank in respective tables of GSTR-1 and accordingly won’t get reflected in GSTR-2A/2B/4A/6A also. Such edited documents will be treated as if they were not auto-populated but uploaded separately by taxpayer.

Other than the details auto-populated from e-invoices, taxpayers are required to add details of any other supplies made, in respective tables of GSTR-1.

An additional facility of consolidated excel download of all documents auto-populated from e-invoices is available in GSTR-1 dashboard. This file includes details of cancelled documents also.

However, any subsequent modifications made to the auto-populated documents (in GSTR-1 tables) would not be reflected in this excel file.

Source: TaxScan.

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Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF) functionality now available on GST Portal

Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF) functionality now available on GST Portal

The Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) has made available the new Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF) functionality on the Goods and Service Tax (GST) Portal.

The Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF) is a facility where quarterly GSTR-1 filers can choose to upload their invoices every month. A quarterly GSTR-1 filer is a small taxpayer with a turnover of up to Rs.1.5 crore.

The registered persons opting for the Scheme would be required to furnish the details of an outward supply in FORM GSTR-1 quarterly as per rule 59 of the CGST Rule. For each of the first and second months of a quarter, such a registered person will have the optional facility Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF) to furnish the details of such outward supplies to a registered person, as he may consider necessary, between the 1st day of the succeeding month till the 13th day of the succeeding month.

The said details of outward supplies shall, however, not exceed the value of Rs. 50 lakh each month. The facility of furnishing details of invoices in IFF has been provided so as to allow details of such supplies to be duly reflected in the FORM GSTR-2A and FORM GSTR-2B of the concerned recipient.

There are various advantages attached to IFF namely buyers of goods from small taxpayers can claim ITC every month; the facility allows the monthly reconciliation of data and makes return filing easier; small taxpayers can increase their business by providing faster ITC claims and eases the compliance burden by reducing the volume of invoices to be uploaded at the end of the quarter.

The IFF is a facility similar to Form GSTR-1, and it allows filing of details of B2B invoices in following tables only.

The option to upload details in IFF can be availed till 13th of the subsequent month. Any invoices remaining to be furnished, can be filed using the IFF in the subsequent month IFF or in the quarterly Form GSTR-1. For e.g. for Apr-June qtr., B2B invoices for the month of April (M1) can be filed in IFF by a taxpayer till 13th May. Any IFF which is not filed till the due date of 13th of the subsequent month will expire.

Overall, this is a good move to help both small taxpayers and buyers from small taxpayers. This facility will indirectly help small taxpayers to enhance their business by providing faster ITC claims to their buyers.

However, this will increase compliance costs for them. Hence, one has to make a comparison between the benefit of opting for IFF and the cost involved. It is good to opt-in for this facility if a small taxpayer raises large volumes of B2B invoices when compared to B2C invoices in a quarter.
The end date for furnishing details of supplies of Goods or Services is February 13, 2021.

Source: TaxScan.

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Businesses with monthly turnover of over Rs 50 lakh to pay at least 1% GST liability in cash

Businesses with monthly turnover of over Rs 50 lakh to pay at least 1% GST liability in cash

Businesses with monthly turnover of over Rs 50 lakh will have to mandatorily pay at least 1 per cent of their GST liability in cash, the Finance Ministry said as it moved to curb evasion by fake invoicing.

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has introduced Rule 86B in Goods and Services Tax (GST) rules which restricts use of input tax credit (ITC) for discharging GST liability to 99 per cent.

“… The registered person shall not use the amount available in electronic credit ledger to discharge his liability towards output tax in excess of 99 per cent of tax liability, in cases where the value of taxable supply … in a month exceeds Rs 50 lakh,” the CBIC said.

While calculating the turnover threshold, sales from GST exempt goods and zero rates supply would not be included.

However, this restriction will not apply where the managing director or any partner have paid more than Rs 1 lakh as income tax or the registered person has received a refund amount of more than Rs 1 lakh in the preceding financial year on account of unutilised input tax credit.

Tax Partner Abhishek Jain said the government has put restrictions on seamless input credit utilisation with introduction of Rule 89B, which blocks utilisation of ITC beyond 99 per cent of the output liability, for businesses having taxable turnover of more than Rs 50 lakh per month.

“With the government providing reasonable exceptions to this rule, the idea remains to prevent misutilisation of credit by businesses taking fake credits,” Jain added.

Further, the CBIC has amended GST rules restricting filing of outward supply details in GSTR-1 for business that have not paid tax for the past periods by filing GSTR 3B.

So far, until now, non-filing of GSTR 3B resulted in blockage of e-way bill but will now result in GSTR 1 blockage as well.

Abhishek Jain, Tax Partner, said, “The government has now restricted filing of outward supply details in GSTR 1 return for businesses who have not paid tax for the past periods by filing GSTR 3B.

“The government’s idea here seems to be to curb input tax credit passing by businesses which have otherwise not paid their GST liability,” Jain added.
AMRG & Associates Senior Partner Rajat Mohan said, “These changes indicate that government is grappling with lower tax collections and high tax evasions, burden of which will again be on honest taxpayers”.

The CBIC has also notified authentication of Aadhaar number or physical verification of business premises for the purposes of obtaining GST registration.

“This amendment has likely been introduced to prevent fraudulent registrations,” Jain added.

Also, the validity of electronic way bill provisions has been amended by the CBIC according to which the e-way bill will be valid for 1 day for every 200 km of travel, as against 100 km earlier.

Source: Times-Of-India.

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GST: CBIC enables GSTR-9 of FY 2019-20 on GST Portal

GST: CBIC enables GSTR-9 of FY 2019-20 on GST Portal

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes ( CBIC ) has enabled the GST Annual Return ( GSTR-9 ) of Financial Year 2019-20 on the GST Portal.

A statement issued by CBIC said that, Facility to file an annual return in Form GSTR-9 for FY 2019-20 is now available. The Form is enabled for taxpayers whose table 8A computation has been completed. Computation of table 8A of the said return for auto-population from returns is in progress which is likely to be completed soon. Please ensure that all applicable returns of the said year have been filed before attempting to file the said return.

GSTR-9 is an annual return to be filed yearly by taxpayers registered under GST. It consists of details regarding the outward and inward supplies made/received during the relevant previous year under different tax heads i.e. CGST, SGST & IGST and HSN codes. Basically, it is a consolidation of all the monthly/quarterly returns (GSTR-1, GSTR-2A, GSTR-3B) filed in that year. Though complex, this return helps in extensive reconciliation of data for 100% transparent disclosures.

The late fees for not filing the GSTR 9 within the due date is Rs 100 per day, per act. That means late fees of Rs 100 under CGST & Rs 100 under SGST will be applicable in case of delay. Thus, the total liability is Rs 200 per day of default. This is subject to a maximum of 0.25% of the taxpayer’s turnover in the relevant state or union territory. However, there is no late fee on IGST yet.

It may be noted that filing of Annual Return (FORM GSTR-9/ GSTR-9A) for 2018-19 is optional for taxpayers who had aggregate turnover below Rs. 2 Crore. The filing of reconciliation Statement in FORM 9C for 2018-19 is also optional for the taxpayers having aggregate turnover upto Rs. 5 Crore.

Source: TaxScan. 

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GSTN enables option for opting quarterly filing of GST returns under QRMP Scheme

GSTN enables option for opting quarterly filing of GST returns under QRMP Scheme

The Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) has enabled the option for opting for quarterly filing of GST returns under the quarterly return with the monthly payment (QRMP) scheme.

The GSTN announced that for the small taxpayers with annual aggregate turnover up to 5 Cr. will be made available on the common portal from 1st of January 2021.

Once a taxpayer opts-in he may file his FORM GSTR-1 and FORM GSTR-3B returns on a quarterly basis while paying their tax dues monthly through simple challan.

This form for opting in the scheme shall be made available from the 5th of December 2020. Currently, the message is shown on GSTN Portal.

Source: TaxScan. 

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